Sharing Stories

54 keer bekeken


23-10-2024 om 18:30


23-10-2024 om 22:00

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De Nijverheid, Nijverheidskade 15, Utrecht

“Sharing Stories” is an international storytelling event with the aim of providing a platform for anyone who wishes to share a personal story with the audience – no prior experience required. De Nijverheid strives for an inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable sharing their stories.

“Sharing Stories” not only serves as a platform for storytellers, but also as an event where people from different cultures and backgrounds can meet and connect. Whether you are a seasoned storyteller or simply want to listen and enjoy the stories of others, “Sharing Stories” is a place where you can unwind, listen, and make new connections! So, come to Nijverheid and be part of this unique experience!

For fans of “Echt Gebeurd” and “The Moth” – but on our cozy terrace.

For everyone that would like to eat before the event, PEUZEL (the kitchen of de Nijverheid) offers all you need.

Toegang is gratis, dit programma wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Gemeente Utrecht en Provincie Utrecht.


Supporting Partners 

Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
Hogeschool Utrecht
Nimeto Utrecht
ROC Midden Nederland


De Maakruimte
Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht
Herman Brood Academie
Media Perspectives
Stichting sQuare

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Utrecht Creative Community wordt ondersteund door de supporting partners, Provincie Utrecht en het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid.


